Casting on Love is my personal charity group which I have had for a number of years.
I have now decided to use the power of blogging to gather more friends to participate.
Casting on Love is designed to use our talents of knitting, crochet or quilting. With them we can meet 3 basic needs common to both humans and animals.

Comfort, security, & warmth.

~Building Mommy Bags~

What's great about building a Mommy bag is that you can get practically everything at a Dollar Store or some of the general family stores. Whatever is available in your area. Take a look at what you can get for under twenty dollars. These days you can only get about two high priced coffees for that much! And this is much more worthwhile.

1 Paper Gift Bag 1.00
1 Item for Mommy 1.00
1 Bottle 1.00
1 Bib 1.00
1 Nose Bulb 1.00
1 Diaper rash Ointment 1.00
1 Powder 1.00
1 Baby Lotion 1.00
1 Baby Wash (bath soap) 1.00
1 Sleeper 5.00 - 10.0
Total $19.00!

Other things to consider:

Baby wash cloths
Giving Wipes and Diapers
Crib Sheets
Burp Cloths
Baby Thermometers
Baby Nail Clippers
Baby Socks

Once again, we count on you for your kindness!